EssentialCare Accident Indemnity
EssentialCare Group Accident Indemnity pays a lump-sum benefit when your client’s employee or a covered dependent has a covered accident or injury. Payments can be used to pay for major medical copays and deductibles, or additional expenses like transportation, child care, and more to help fill gaps in employees’ healthcare coverage.

Why EssentialCare Group Accident Indemnity?
Up to 54 benefit offerings to cover a wide range of accidents and injuries, plus support service coverages including wellness, dependent adult and child care, and more
Modular, adaptable plan designs can be tailored to complement client need and underlying major medical
All EssentialCare policies are easy to quote and administer thanks to a simple RFQ process, and best-in-class administration and claims adjudication
Key Features
Guaranteed issue, with no underwriting or waiting period for coverage to kick in
Lump-sum payments with no networks or coordination of benefits
Variety of benefit offerings, including Non-Professional Organized Sports benefit, and AD&D benefit built into the certificate
Simplified claims submission with benefits paid directly to the insured
Family coverage available
Customizable plan designs to meet your client’s needs
Ideal Market
Employer groups with 51+ employees
Minimum participation is 10 enrollees, or 10%, whichever is greater